Global Woman Thinker: Importance of Experiencing Cultures – Mogel

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As a Global Woman Thinker It’s Important to Experience Other Cultures

As the internet’s reach expands, global communication gets less expensive, and international travel becomes easier our world actually gets smaller. We’re far more likely to do business with different cultures than we ever were, and as a global woman thinker, it’s necessary to embrace and experience other cultures.

Avoid Turf Wars

One element businesses must be cautious to try to avoid are turf wars. Both groups will often cling to their turf whether it’s a particular issue or way of doing things, funding, job title and so on, even when combining efforts will make things easier and more effective for everyone. Try to remember that your group isn’t always right and much can be learned from the other group. Work to establish this as an agreed upon process before you come together. Remember to keep your common goal in mind at all times.

Focus on strengths instead of differences

Entrepreneur Magazine encourages business leaders to embrace the differences and use them to move forward. “The more opinions, the more variety, and the more diversity we bring to the table the more we can unchain our creativity, which is hidden in every one of us.” As our world continues to shrink, working with a variety of cultures will no longer be an option, but a requirement, especially if a business wants to be successful.

Keep an open mind

Although this really should be obvious, it isn’t always so. Change is scary and making an effort to get to know someone from a different culture can be challenging for some. Especially if you are someone who is shy or an introvert. But if you miss out on the opportunity to interact with someone different, you won’t have as rich an experience. Clear Intentions International describes an experience where some groups interacted on a cruise while others kept to themselves. The groups that interacted learned a lot more and seemed to have a better time, while the groups that didn’t failed to enjoy the cruise as much.

We have extensive experience recruiting outstanding candidates with a variety of backgrounds and cultures so contact us to work with you on all your hiring needs.


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Written by Christine

Christine has a comprehensive understanding of the people, processes, and operations involved in talent acquisition and Recruitment Process Outsourcing. She refuses to settle for simply meeting expectations of her clients, instead she has a reputation for exceeding them.

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