The Morning Habits That Will Transform Your Business

the morning habits that will transform your business 645105c17a277

the morning habits that will transform your business 645105c17a277

If you’re not already a morning person, the idea of doing anything short of gulping down a pot or two of coffee before slipping your shoes on with your eyes half closed is far less than appealing. As difficult as it may seem initially, anyone can become a morning person with some practice and discipline, and doing so can add valuable time to your day and sharpness to your mind so that you can accomplish more in your professional ventures. Try a few of these morning habits for yourself and see how they can dramatically change your business!

Rise and Shine Earlier

As tempting as wrapping yourself into a blanket burrito while slapping the snooze button may sound, the benefits of waking up a little earlier are actually pretty fantastic. Providing that you go to sleep at a reasonable hour the night before and get a few hours of solid rest, waking up earlier in the morning allows you more precious time to accomplish tasks that you may otherwise be unable to get to if you choose to sleep in. In addition to this, sleeping in too much can actually have the opposite desired effect, leaving you drained and groggy instead of energetic and refreshed.

Try a Morning Workout

Even though working out is probably the last thing on your mind immediately after waking up in the morning, jump starting your day with some physical activity will kick your mind into gear and put you in position to accomplish your entire to-do list with ease. Exercising also releases endorphins and reduces stress, so don’t be surprised if you feel a little happier and little less frazzled walking into the office after some light sunrise cardio.

Start Meditating

Our lives can become overwhelming and stressful at an alarming rate, and keeping sight of what’s important can sometimes become a challenge. Excess stress also causes a great deal of health issues ranging in severity from mild anxiety and difficulty focusing, to an increased risk of illnesses or major health problems such as heart attacks and strokes. According to multiple surveys done by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians), it has been estimated that 75–90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. Many of the top performing CEO’s in the country reduce their stress levels by practicing regular meditation, and they rave about the balancing benefits meditation has to offer. Start slowly with only a few minutes each morning and silently reflect on your life. Focus on simply existing in that exact moment and mindfully recognize the parts of your life that you are thankful for. You may soon discover that you have a calmer, more positive view on life, and the quality of your work will reflect your new outlook.

Write Down Your Goals

As silly as it may seem, we are the authors of our own destiny and we play a major part in our overall success or failure when it comes to our personal and professional goals. Consider taking a few minutes each morning to sit down and write out your goals for the day and how you want to achieve them. Plan out your schedule for the entire shift, and come up with strategies to accomplish your list efficiently, and you’ll quickly realize how satisfying it is to check off your goals one by one as the day wraps up.

Making new habits can be hard, and no one is saying that you have to start doing all of these things overnight in order to be successful. Figure out what works well for you and your lifestyle, and try one or two habits each week to experience the results they have on your quality of life and your quality of work.

If you would like to learn about more habits that can drastically improve your professional business life, feel free to contact us for assistance.


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Written by Eric

Eric has a passion for connecting great companies with great talent. His clients praise his eagerness to take on challenges and do whatever it takes to meet their goals.

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